Can You Paint Plastic Patio Furniture?

So, you have a set of plastic patio furniture that has seen better days. The once vibrant colors have faded, and it’s starting to look worn and outdated. But before you start thinking about tossing it out and replacing it, let me tell you this – painting your plastic patio furniture might be the solution you’ve been looking for! That’s right, with a little bit of paint and some patience, you can transform your tired-looking furniture into a stunning statement piece for your outdoor space. Curious to know more? Let’s dive in and explore the world of painting plastic patio furniture! Yes, you absolutely can! Painting plastic patio furniture is a great way to give it a fresh new look and extend its lifespan. Whether you want to change the color or simply refresh the existing one, painting can transform your outdoor furniture into a stylish and personalized addition to your patio or backyard. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of painting plastic furniture, as well as provide useful tips and alternatives to consider. So let’s get started and give your plastic patio furniture a makeover!


Before you begin painting your plastic patio furniture, it’s important to properly prepare the surface. This will ensure that the paint adheres well and provides long-lasting results. There are two key steps in the preparation process: cleaning the furniture and sanding the surface.

Cleaning the Furniture

Start by thoroughly cleaning the plastic furniture to remove any dirt, dust, or grime that may be present. You can use a mild cleaning solution and a brush or sponge to gently scrub the surface. Rinse the furniture well with water and allow it to dry completely before moving on to the next step. This will ensure that the paint adheres properly and avoids any uneven or patchy results.

Sanding the Surface

Sanding the plastic surface is crucial to create a rough texture that allows the paint to adhere better. You can use sandpaper or a sanding block to gently sand the entire surface of the furniture. This will help remove any glossy finish and create a better surface for the paint to bond with. Be sure to sand evenly and avoid applying too much pressure, as it may damage the plastic. Once you’re done sanding, wipe away any dust residue with a clean cloth.

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Choosing the Right Paint

Selecting the right type of paint is essential for achieving a successful and long-lasting result. When it comes to painting plastic furniture, there are a few factors to consider: the paint type, weather resistance, and using spray paint.

Selecting the Paint Type

Choose a paint specifically designed for plastic surfaces. Look for paints labeled as “plastic paint” or “plastic spray paint.” These types of paints are formulated to adhere well to plastic and provide a durable finish. Avoid using regular spray paints or paints intended for other surfaces, as they may not adhere properly or provide the desired results.

Considering the Weather Resistance

Since your plastic furniture will be exposed to outdoor elements, it’s important to choose a paint that offers good weather resistance. Look for paints that are UV-resistant and have good outdoor durability. This will ensure that your painted furniture can withstand sun exposure, rain, and other weather conditions without fading or peeling.

Opting for a Spray Paint

Using a spray paint can make the painting process easier and more efficient, especially when working with intricate details or hard-to-reach areas. Spray paints allow for even and smooth application, ensuring a professional-looking finish. Additionally, they tend to dry faster than brush-on paints, saving you time and allowing you to complete the project sooner.

Gathering the Supplies

Before you start painting, make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand. Here is a list of items you will need for the painting process:

  • Paint and Primer: Choose a paint specifically formulated for plastic surfaces. Some paints come with built-in primers, while others require a separate primer. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

  • Sandpaper or Sanding Block: Use a fine-grit sandpaper or sanding block to gently sand the plastic surface.

  • Painter’s Tape: Use painter’s tape to mask off any areas you don’t want to be painted, such as metal or fabric parts of the furniture.

  • Drop Cloth or Plastic Sheeting: Protect the surrounding area by covering it with a drop cloth or plastic sheeting to prevent any paint splatters or spills.

  • Cleaning Solution and Brush: Use a mild cleaning solution and a brush to clean the furniture before painting.

  • Screwdriver or Allen Wrench: If your furniture has any removable parts, such as cushions or storage compartments, you may need a screwdriver or Allen wrench to disassemble them before painting.

  • Optional: Spray Paint Handle: A spray paint handle can make it more comfortable to hold and control the spray can, especially if you have multiple coats to apply.

With all your supplies gathered and ready, you’re now prepared to embark on the painting process!

Step-by-Step Process

Disassembling the Furniture (if necessary)

If your plastic furniture has any removable parts, such as cushions or storage compartments, it is best to disassemble them before painting. This will make it easier to reach all the surfaces and ensure a more even application of paint. Using a screwdriver or Allen wrench, carefully remove any screws or bolts holding the furniture together. Remember to keep track of all the parts and hardware for reassembly later.

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Cleaning the Furniture

Using a mild cleaning solution and a brush or sponge, thoroughly clean the plastic furniture to remove any dirt, dust, or grime. Pay close attention to crevices and hard-to-reach areas. Rinse the furniture well with water and allow it to dry completely. A clean surface is essential for proper paint adhesion and a smooth finish.

Sanding the Surface

Once the furniture is dry, use sandpaper or a sanding block to gently sand the entire surface. This will create a rough texture that helps the paint adhere better to the plastic. Sand evenly and avoid applying too much pressure to prevent damaging the plastic. After sanding, wipe away any dust residue with a clean cloth.

Applying a Primer

If your chosen paint requires a separate primer, apply it to the sanded surface according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A primer will help the paint adhere better to the plastic and provide a more durable finish. Follow the recommended drying time before moving on to the next step.

Painting the Furniture

Now it’s time to apply the paint! Shake the spray paint can thoroughly to ensure the paint is well-mixed. Hold the can about 8-12 inches away from the furniture and use smooth, sweeping motions to apply an even coat of paint. Start with light coats to prevent drips or runs. Allow each coat to dry before applying the next one.

Applying Multiple Coats

Depending on the desired color and coverage, you may need to apply multiple coats of paint. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the recommended drying time between coats. Applying multiple thin coats will result in a smoother and more even finish compared to applying one thick coat.

Allowing Proper Drying Time between Coats

Proper drying time between coats is crucial for achieving the best results. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended drying time, as it may vary depending on the type of paint and weather conditions. Avoid rushing the process, as painting additional coats on a surface that hasn’t fully dried can lead to uneven results or paint damage.

Tips and Precautions

To ensure a successful and enjoyable painting experience, here are some tips and precautions to keep in mind:

Work in a Well-Ventilated Area

When painting, make sure you’re in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling any potentially harmful fumes. If possible, paint outdoors or open windows and doors for proper air circulation.

Wear Protective Gear

Protect your skin, eyes, and lungs by wearing appropriate protective gear. This may include gloves, safety glasses, and a mask or respirator. Always prioritize your safety when working with paints and chemicals.

Choose a Non-Humid Day

Paint adheres better and dries faster on non-humid days. Try to choose a day with low humidity levels to ensure optimal paint adhesion and drying time.

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Avoid Direct Sunlight and Extreme Temperatures

Painting in direct sunlight or extremely hot or cold temperatures can affect the paint’s performance and drying time. Aim to paint in a shaded area and check the weather forecast to avoid unfavorable conditions.

Start with Light Coats

When applying the paint, start with light coats rather than thick ones. Light coats help prevent drips, runs, and uneven application. You can always add more coats for better coverage and color intensity.

Use Smooth Strokes

To achieve a smooth and even finish, use smooth strokes when spraying or brushing the paint. Avoid applying too much pressure, as it can cause paint pooling or texture inconsistencies.

Paint All Sides

Make sure to paint all sides of the furniture for a consistent and finished look. Turn the furniture upside down or on its side, if needed, to reach all the hidden areas. Take your time and ensure that all surfaces are adequately covered.

Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions

Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for proper usage and drying times. Each paint product may have specific recommendations that are crucial for achieving the best results. Following these instructions will ensure a successful painting experience and a durable finish.

Maintaining Painted Plastic Furniture

To keep your newly painted plastic furniture looking its best and prolong its lifespan, here are some maintenance tips to follow:

Regular Cleaning

Regularly clean your painted plastic furniture to remove dirt, dust, and outdoor debris. Use a mild cleaning solution and a soft brush or sponge to gently scrub the surface. Rinse well with water and allow it to dry thoroughly before use.

Avoiding Harsh Cleaners

Avoid using harsh cleaners or abrasive materials that may scratch or damage the painted surface. Stick to mild cleaning solutions and non-abrasive tools to maintain the integrity and appearance of the paint.

Touching Up Paint as Needed

Over time, the painted surface may experience wear and tear. If you notice any chips, scratches, or fading, touch up the paint as needed. Use the same paint color and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application.

Alternatives to Painting

If painting your plastic patio furniture doesn’t suit your preferences or requirements, there are alternative options to consider:

Using Vinyl Spray

Vinyl spray can be a great alternative for adding color to your plastic furniture. Similar to paint, vinyl spray is specifically formulated for plastic surfaces and provides a durable finish. It offers an easy and convenient way to transform the look of your furniture without the need for sanding or priming.

Applying Vinyl Stickers

Vinyl stickers are another creative option for adding patterns or designs to your plastic furniture. They are available in various colors, shapes, and sizes, allowing you to personalize your furniture to your liking. Vinyl stickers are easy to apply and remove, giving you the flexibility to change designs whenever you desire.


Painting plastic patio furniture is a fantastic way to refresh its appearance and add a personal touch to your outdoor space. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can achieve professional-looking results that will prolong the lifespan of your furniture and make it look brand new. Remember to choose the right paint, properly prepare the surface, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best outcome. With proper maintenance, your painted plastic furniture will continue to enhance your patio or backyard for many seasons to come. Get ready to unleash your creativity and transform your outdoor living area with a vibrant and stylish new look!